by simmuskhan | Sep 27, 2012
Well, I finally painted up my Hasharin, he's been sitting undercoated black since before I started work on the Ents!Sat down yesterday and painted him up. Took about two hours all up.I think that makes me pretty slow, but I'm happy with the result =)Went with the same...
by simmuskhan | Sep 26, 2012
At loooooooong last after months and months and months of collecting and painting...My Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game Good Monster Army (also Stag Mounted Radagast).The back story for those who haven't been following up until now is that Radagast, always...
by simmuskhan | Sep 24, 2012
Well, my course hasn't uploaded my next assignment yet, so I had 3 hours free today to paint!Finished off my Radagasts!This is fantastic as we're off to New Zealand on the weekend/next week and I really wanted to get them both done before then!Popped them in my handy...
by simmuskhan | Sep 23, 2012
Well, with a few hours here and there over the last few days I've had a good go at ye olde Radagast.I've (mostly) been doing them both at the same time so as to make sure I use the same colours on each one! But then I got carried away on the stag mounted Radagast so...
by simmuskhan | Sep 21, 2012
Slopped on the first coat of paint on my mounted Radagast and his foot-sore duplicate...Back...Pretty straightforward colours I think. Reddy brown for the stag body, darker brown for the shaggy bits.I think the cloak bit actually works okay?So looking alright I think...