Harad Army

I finally finished my raiders and watchers of karna so put all my Harad army on the board for a happy snap or two (or ten)!This post is just a whole lot of photos of the army, so bear with me =)From a lower angle you can really see the height of the Mumak!On this side...

Far Harad Battle Company vs Goblins vs Troll

With lots of painting my Far Harad battle company finally got member number 6 and was ready for the first mission against the pesky elves. Here they are charging into battle!My melee guys charged in and I found out that spear support is really key against these elves...

Far Harad

For Father's Day this year I requested a new Battle Company and got a nice batch of Far Harad!First step was gluing, which I found to be an absolute pain! I couldn't get the glue to stick well at all. I tried three different types of superglue but none seemed to hold...

Battle company Shire vs Dwarves vs Troll

Next on our list was the dreaded Cave Troll mission which, last time, saw most of my Harad battle company destroyed. Again, I got the idea for the slightly harder difficulty from the awesome guys in Ontario: OSGBL Cave TrollI didn't take many photos, but at...

Hobbit Battle Company vs Ruffians

My son and I started up another two battle companies (so we now have quite a few) so that we can mix and match opponents with closer points scores a bit more easily. Also just because it's fun =)Only having to have 15 (or so) miniatures of a particular type is so...