Harad Battle Company

My son is now 8 year old, can you believe it?!As such he can play now though we have to limit our opportunities given the general busy lives we lead.He's also not super patient and very scared of losing guys in battle so we've adjusted how we play slightly.I no longer...

Serpent Rider – Haradrim on Raptor

Random post!I've been doing a lot of scenery and miniature painting, but with time being so tight I haven't (obviously) been posting.One conversion I just did was on a box of Haradrim Raiders that I got (I know, I know) last Christmas - still, better late than...

Size comparisons

Here are the relative sizes of minis I have, with the Reaper Bones D&D female ranger for comparison to the GW ones. 

Scenery quick update

Hi all, over my birthday period I've been super busy, but also obtained quite a lot of scenery.Lots of it was trees etc. that I've put on mdf bases and the like, but now I have quite a nice board to play on!We've been playing a lot of games too, but not recording them...

Hobbit Battle Company or Shire Battle Company

I'm not sure if it's technically a Hobbit Battle Company or a Shire Battle Company, but here's my initial squad!Meet Rose's Ragers!Raging Rose leads Farmer Maddock and Andwise (Andy) along with their mates.Cooper (Fatty), Robson (Rob), Marmadoc (M.C. Hammer), Flambard...