WIP blood throne conversion

Hey all, getting back into the swing of things with updating this thing. Hope we're all good?Recently, after the dissapointment of the new armybook, I began trying to get my mojo for warhammer back. I began looking at new armys but, in the end, Im staying with...

My Khorne daemons

So, I've been upto quite a bit since the last time I update, approximately 9months.What have I been doing? Well, I've finished 2000points and mores worth of khorne daemons. This was, at least, in the old book. Sadly, I'm rather dissapointed in the new book. Swapping a...

A taste of 40k – HERESY!!!

Greetings from the white woods, fellow beastmeisters, vile daemonsters and 8 pointed urchins. Simonster is back in the game!So it's been a damn long time since I've updated this blog in anger, and there's an excuse for that - I'm human, and I don't get paid...

Ghorros Warhoof and A minimalagor

I return! Well, the last week or so I've been wracking my brains over new projects - Mantic chaos dwarves, chaos warriors of khorne and even 40K orks - But, in the end. I decided to go with finishing a few more beastmen models!So here's wha tI've done today, lets...