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So, I've been kinda neglecting my blogging duties as of late. Not intentionally, just I've been busy making terrain for my new table. I wanted to finish a large portion of my table before I brought proper, decent photos on here.I'm currently working on my Temple of...

chevrons are locked (blightstone WIPs)

I'm not going to lie. Dreadstone blight was a ballache to make. The walls were warped, didn't fit the base and the wooded floors had nothing to purchase on to form a solid, firm bond to the walls. In the end, I broke the componants down into two sets of parts. I built...

The Herdstone – Bloodgreed painting competition

So, Herdstone are holding their spring time painting competition - and the theme is "minotaurs"There's some pretty strong contenders for the prize, so pop along to the Herdstone forum here to have a gander at all the entries and if your a member - cast a vote for...

a throne for my prize! (magewrath throne wip)

Not content with my prize from my tournament sitting on a SHELF, with my other loser models, I decided to build a special trophy throne for my OOP beastman! In seriousness, I needed some terrain for my table. The fulcrums GW make are the bomb, and the magewrath throne...

Blood in the Badlands – 2K vs Empire

Kravyn slouched in a chair build for someone much shorter, but also much wider. Comfort was something you learnt to live without in the wilds of the northern wastes, so Kravyn cared not. What was causing him discomfort, however, was what he was hearing about how the...