Best in show!

...I come back victorious from the tournament! 5 losses and 1 victory won me the Best Beastmen General! Ranking a might 50th in 55! Hoooo-ah! (and only Beastman player...but don't let something like that marr this fleeting moment of victory!) Published with...

day one – AGOM

So I'm in bed after my first night at AGOM with a win and two losses - a very good first day!!! My first game was against dark elves...and the obligatory poor dice didnt help. A two dice miscast, a 4 on the table, 15 dead gor and a dead mage didn't help me! Second...

Editorial – Pre tournament jitters

Hoooowdy howdy howdy. So, I'm writing now the prevening (ref: before the big tournament, A Gathering of Might. This isn't a big tournamnet per se, but it is my first tournament. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried or...

A descrepancy between chaos dwarves ranges…

So, I bought an old school big hat blunderbuss toting dwarf (love that model!) And when I put him next to my Avatar of War dwarf...hmmm... Now I understand why they wear those big hats! I guess this dwarf warlord is just a fat bastard amongst his kind! Published with...

New blogger – dislike! and Moonclaw inspiration

"scoos me wtf r u duin?"This bat's face pretty much sums up my reaction to the new blogger interface. Although I now know where Games workshop got their inspiration for Moonclaw.moonlclawI will have actual content again soon. Honest.