Mainstream Geek

Hey, folks. SinSynn here. One of the consequences of my current 'Lack O' Sleep' issues is that I simply don't have the energy to get my hobby on. Sigh. Which kinda sucks, cuz I certainly have a lot of quiet, lonely hours which would be perfect for hobbying if I wasn't...

40k 7th- Needs Moar Bat Helmets

Hey, folks. SinSynn here. So I stayed up entirely too late last night reading the new 40k fancy shmancy 3-book ruleset. Well, perhaps 'ruleset' is too strong of a werd to use here, cuz what Games Workshop has graced us with is more like...'Guidelines.' Y'know- like...

40k 7th- What’ll Be OP this Time?

Hey, folks. SinSynn here. So ermahgerd 40k 7th is out there, and already we know that Invisible Deathstars are gonna be the next big thing, that Daemons and Eldar are gonna be unstoppable since other armies won't be able to throw enough dice against them in the new...

My Maleficarum

Hey folks, SinSynn here. I'm writing this to get it out of my system, and I'm gonna post it immediately after I'm done. Not trying to step on anyone's toes, in the event that Lauby (aka El Jeffe) has a post scheduled, or whatever. I've been wanting to write about this...