Games Workshop and 40k- Where Did It All Go Wrong?

'Every year we seek new and better ways of making our products and improving the quality. This is not simply a personal obsession; it also makes good  business sense. We know that, for a niche like ours, people who are interested in collecting fantasy miniatures will...

Mantic/GW Scions- A Hamster Guest Post

Hello, everyone. Hamster here. SinSynn had a terrible, terrible week, and he doesn't feel like talking much. One of his friends died and there was the whole wake and funeral thing. Another one of his friends is awaiting Sentencing on some pretty serious charges and...

Zombie Guardsmens Dream Army #1- Theme

Hey, folks. SinSynn here. The coolest thing about committing to building a Dream Army is that it's personal to you, specifically. I mean, it's your Dream Army, after all, and is by default a very, very special thing indeed. Every Dream Army starts off as a wish- a...

Building Models the Xenos Way

Hey folks. SinSynn here. Over the last couple of months, I've made a lot of Hobby-Related purchases. Like, ermahgerd, so much stuffs I've bought. This week, I had the tough choice of: A) Picking up da brand new, minty-fresh Astra Militarum Codex, or B) Buying a proper...

Injecting Politics into Games

Hey, folks. SinSynn here. WARNING: The following post contains material and opinions that some folks will likely take umbrage to (I SO love that word). It will also likely contain curse words, and possibly pictures that might offend those with uhhh...sensitive...