by SinSynn | Oct 26, 2014
Hey, folks. SinSynn here. Anybody that's been involved in the hobby for more than a few weeks has some gripes with it. It doesn't take long. The initial commitment and first few months you spend with a game are totally the 'honeymoon period,' no doubt, and to tell ya...
by SinSynn | Oct 19, 2014
Hey, folks. SinSynn here. Bein' sick is miserable, no doubt, but it does have some very small, teeny-tiny benefits. Mainly that I can't do all the 'chore stuffs' that I normally do. Grocery shopping? Am sick. No can do. Doggy walkies? *cough, cough* What was that you...
by SinSynn | Oct 15, 2014
Hey, folks. SinSynn here. So I should be sleepin' right now, but I can't. Still havin' some issues from time to time an' whatnot. Whatever, I can deal with it. So I was surfin' da web, checkin' out stuffs, and there's this game that you guys mentioned to me a while...
by SinSynn | Oct 13, 2014
Hey, folks. SinSynn here. I'm like, stoopid sick, and I wasn't gonna post this week. By way of a fer instance, here's what I've been going through in the last 48 hours: - It started small. Just a lil' stomach-y thing that had me in the bathroom a bit. I literally...