Adeptus Custodes – Sagittarum Custodians #1

Hello All, thanks for dropping by for a look-see. I am slowly building up my Adeptus Custodes force to a playable force, and constructed quite a few troops and infantry, off the to-do pile is the latest of these, a squad of 3 Sagittarum Custodes.I have opted to give...

Legio Astorum – Warlord Titan #3 – Mars Alpha Head

Hello Readers and Titan Enginseers, hope you are having a productive new year. I have progressed more with my third Warlord, Warlord Titan certified No.10, the re-paint from Legio Atarus to Legio Astorum continued with the distinctive yellow of Astorum. Warlord 2 is...

Terrain and Scenery – Scatter Terrain

Happy New Year and welcome readers, thanks for dropping by. I start the new year with a mini project, this is a scheduled post as I am still away. I had a paintbrush rack as a gift constructed from laser cut wood, so with the scraps I made the Billboard! That spurred...

Christmas Wishes from WeeMen

Merry Christmas Allfrom Lord TITANium Halfpenny and Siph_HorridusAnd a great hobby filled New Year!(Hobby Bingo 2022 results, as these posts are coming as scheduled I am away - I have a few of these to post yet, but I managed to complete my last 10 model squad a day...