Relictors Space Marines – Chaplain #10

The recent Games Workshop made to order old school Space Marine Chaplain reminded me how understated and awesome this particular sculpt was. The grimacing visage and the low threat of the Crozius coupled with the lethal Plasma Pistol I particularly liked. So I scouted...

Siph’s Hobby Goals and To-Do List 2022

Hello all, well I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions as I never stick to them and I prefer a less than rigid “goal” to work towards… so last year I was away for the most part with work, however a backlog of completed miniatures kept the blog ticking over nicely and...

Chaos Daemons – Plague Hulk of Nurgle

Hello All, thanks for dropping by, hopefully Nurgle hasn't blessed your house and you are safe and well. I bought this rather disgusting Plague Hulk second hand and have had fun bringing the nurgle disease ridden corpse flesh back to 'life' and touching up the guts,...

Legio Astorum – Warlord Titan #2 – Lucius Alpha Head

 Hi Titan fans and all, thanks for dropping by. I have made a start on my second Forge World Warlord Titan, well, the head can be bought separately(!) and the now OOP Lucius Head has grown on me after looking at Lord TITANium Halfpenny's Warlord "Hell's Daughter"...

Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Mortis Reaver Titan #2

Hello Titan fans, I have completed my 2nd Adeptus Titanicus scale Reaver Titan for my Mortis Legio, arms and weapon mounts are magnetized so I can swap out weapons as with Reaver #1.See... now fitted for close combat.I chose a black carapace and red shoulder pauldrons...