Warlord Titan – Mori-Quake Cannon – WIP #2

Hello Titanseers and All, thanks for dropping by. Back in April I posted my progress on a new additional weapon arm for my existing Warlord Titan (HERE). This just continues the work in progress, what can I say - I am slow (3.5yrs for the Warlord!) and its a BIG...

Necron Dynasty – Cryptothralls

 Hello all, thanks for dropping by. Today's newest additions to the everliving, ahem ever growing Necron Dynasty is two Cryptothralls, bodyguards to Necron Crypteks.These lovely walking waste bins mean a nearby Cryptek cannot be targeted by ranged weapons and in...

Necron Dynasty – Cryptek with Canoptek Cloak

 Hello all, thanks for dropping by, continuing with my Necrons to-do pile, I dug out this Necron Cryptek with Canoptek Cloak, a present from Lord TITANium Halfpenny, co-author here at WeeMen. Thanks Mate!I love the dynamic pose GW achieved with this mini, can't...

Necron Dynasty – Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Hello All, thanks for dropping in, I completed a little project I had prepped whilst away with work, so on my return I sent it straight to the front of the painting queue, a nice little mini to add to my Destroyer Force - I'm not sure what is in the Codex as I have...

Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Mortis Warbringer Nemesis Titan

Hello Titan fans, a slightly smaller Titan than I am used to, but I have completed my second Adeptus Titanicus Titan, a Warbringer Nemesis Titan armed with the mighty Mori-Quake Cannon and twin Battle Titan Volcano Cannons.I took inspiration from the box artwork and...