Relictors Chapter Space Marines – Primaris Librarian

Hi all, thanks for dropping by, a small addition to the ever growing Relictors Chapter Space Marines, not only do I have an extensive (!) 5th Company, a growing 4th Company, a huge armoury and 1st Company Veterans... I also expanded into Primaris reinforcements.This...

Relictors Primaris Firestrike Servo-Turret

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. The Primaris Force I have is slowly growing, and this was a nice stocking filler I picked up for myself, done in a couple of sittings and is really nice addition.I chose the Las Talon weapons as some decent strength and AP can't do...

Hobby Update – Whilst Away Working – Survival Kit

Hi all, thanks for dropping by, I often have to work away from the WeeMen Room and all my hobby goodness, so when I have to go away I take a little hobby with me. This is my simple set up at work, during downtimes at sea I can get the chance to get out the hobby -...

Relictors Sternguard Squad w/ Heavy Bolters

Hello All, thanks for dropping by, not only have I been busy with Titans of various sizes, I always come back to my first love, my ever expanding Relictors Chapter Battle Company. Long overdue are some Sternguard Veterans.These are made from a variety of kits...

Warlord Titan – Mori-Quake Cannon – WIP #1

 Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping by, a quick post on the progress I made on my additional Titan armaments, the Mori-Quake Cannon is the main armament of the Warbringer Nemesis Titan and Forge World have also made it for the main arm weapons of the mighty...