Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Mortis Reaver Titan

Hello all, thanks for dropping in. I have finally after a long time procrastinating and painting the big Titans, gotten around to painting some of my Adeptus Titanicus boxed game mini-Titans.I plumped for a traitor Legio to contrast my main 40K Titan force of staunch...

Adeptus Custodes – Caladius Grav Tank

Hello all, thanks for dropping by. My latest offering from my scheduled pile, is a Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank, not to be confused with the Callidus Assassin! Both deadly.This tank is armed with the fearsome double-barrelled Iliastus accelerator cannon, an advanced...

Relictors Space Marine Rogue Trader Predator – RTB08

 Hello All, thanks for dropping by, my latest (and somewhat ancient) addition to the 4th Company Relictors is an old school cool RTB08 Space Marine Predator Assault Tank.(I remember buying these boxes from Oxford Street Plaza Games Workshop)I added my usual...