Relictors Space Marine Rogue Trader Predator – RTB08

 Hello All, thanks for dropping by, my latest (and somewhat ancient) addition to the 4th Company Relictors is an old school cool RTB08 Space Marine Predator Assault Tank.(I remember buying these boxes from Oxford Street Plaza Games Workshop)I added my usual...

Legio Astorum Warhound Titan "Canis Victrix" Walks!

 Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping in to see the completed Titan! Canis Victrix Walks! Seen above with the mighty Titan Inferno Cannon as well as the Turbolaser Destructor.The default armament that came with this second hand Titan was the Vulcan Mega Bolter...

Relictors Primaris Marines – Phobos Librarian

 Hello All, thanks for dropping in to see my latest addition to the ever expanding Relictors Space Marine Battle Company. Not all my own work, saw this as a bargain on eBay and thought I could adapt it with a little work to become a Relictor Phobos Librarian.I...