Chaos Daemons – Soul Grinder of Slaanesh

Hello All, thanks for dropping by, continuing my daemon offerings this year, today a Soul Grinder of Slaanesh, the alignment to Slaanesh gives the Quicksilver ability to fight first in CC, so with his high toughness and lethal close combat weapons he should be a...

Chaos Daemons – Plaguebearers of Nurgle #3

Hi All, thanks for dropping by. This week's WeeMen offering is more Chaos Daemons, this time Plaguebearers of Nurgle. I've kept these on 25mm bases, like the previous two squads for consistency.I've chosen a Deathguard Green base for these ones, and some Eshin Grey...

Chaos Daemons – Flesh Hounds of Khorne

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. I have completed my first of a couple of packs of Khorne Flesh Hounds, to accompany Karanak and the second pack will ensure at least some will survive the shooting phase to close with the enemy! A major weakness in Chaos Daemon...

Chaos Daemons – Bloodletters of Khorne

Hello all, thanks for dropping by, this week's addition to my Daemonic Incursion is another squad of Bloodletters, these can boost my current blob of 10 Bloodletters, giving me the option to run a squad of 20 if needed and an Icon of Chaos to help 'reality blink' and...