Malifaux Masters Battle Reports – Part 1

Malifaux Masters Battle Reports – Part 1

Hello Sir#67 here to tell you about my latest Malifaux antics.A few weeks ago some of the best players in the country gathered together for the Malifaux Masters and somehow I qualified!For the people who are unfamiliar with the Masters format; the Masters is an...

Back from a Year Off.

Hello,I think it’s been about a year since I posted on this blog. Don’t worry I am still alive but it has been a busy year.I’ve worked in Cardiff for most of last year, got a new job at a consultancy in Newcastle and bought a house. Unfortunately neither of those...

My Top Ten Malifaux Models

Greetings! Sir#67 here.I’m in the process of writing up a report of my first Malifaux tournament but to keep the Malifaux momentum going I thought I’d post my top 10 Malifaux models. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just some of my particular favourites. Feel...

Email In: Blood Angels List Analysis

Hello Sir#67 here,Earlier on in the week I received this email from a player at me local store:"Been pouring out the Blood Angels for your up and coming tournament, still figuring out their place in 6th Ed. From what I see they haven't changed very much, everything...

Review and My Plans for 2013

It’s been a good year for us here at Apostates Anonymous.Bede and I started this blog to document our first foray into the 40k competitive scene, since then we’ve had just over 19,000 page views and written exactly 100 posts. Considering we were hoping to average one...