by skared | Sep 9, 2014
A Fully painted 1500pt 40k Battle Report. Maelstrom Mission 3, this game was a very tight one and it was a lot of fun. Enjoy! And as always, Tactical corner at the end.
by skared | Sep 4, 2014
We are painting 10 thousand points in 10 months! And the half way mark is aproaching! How am I keeping all my stuff organized? Well, I have sorted the miniatures out in shelves, the top shelves with models that have been primed that need paint and then other shelf...
by skared | Sep 2, 2014
Saturday, the 18th of October. Players from all walks of life will be converging on Stratford Ontario Canada to participate in the 6th annual Michael Mudd Memorial Tournament! There are still 30 spots left, so if you would like to sign up, all proceeds go to support...
by skared | Aug 30, 2014
I recently read Tantalus, a black library e-book publication by Braden Campbell. It was a nice short story set in the Dark City, a Dread Archon and his masterpiece (the Tantalus) in a deadly chase against a pack of reavers, prooving to the population that his design...
by skared | Aug 27, 2014
By popular demand here is my tactical take on a competitive build for Dark Eldar using Eldar allies. 1850pts, and battle tested at a NOVA style event. Check out the youtube channel HERE.