4k Subs! Giveaway and Contest DRAW! Thank you all!

The Youtube Channel has reached over 4000 subscribers. Time for a giveaway. The instructions to enter are in the video! Enjoy, and thanks for making the channel what it is today! My way of saying thanks to all.

NEW Dark Eldar 40k Tactics – Razorwing Jetfighter

Welcome to another SkaredCast Tactical video. Video 18 of the Tactical Series HERE is the playlist with the other videos in the series so far! This time we talk about the 40k strategies and tactics that revolve around the Razorwing Jetfighter. Lets Begin!You can get...

Its Sunday! : Editorial Time

Welcome to the Sunday Editorial. Lots of things in the Hobby and 40k goodliness to talk about. This is is the space that I use to chat about things that mattered to me this week, and what not. Read on IF you DARE… and only if you dare. 4k Subscribers! Youtube...

Its Sunday! : Editorial Time

Welcome to the Sunday Editorial. Lots of things in the Hobby and 40k goodliness to talk about. This is is the space that I use to chat about things that mattered to me this week, and what not. Read on IF you DARE… and only if you dare. 4k Subscribers! Youtube...
Kill Team – Making things Different

Kill Team – Making things Different

Sometimes, spicing things up in a relationship really helps change things around. lets face it, we all love our hobby! There is no shame in that! Hehe. So! How do you spice up your game? Well. I highly recommend KILL TEAM. Small 200point armies, single miniatures...