New Dark Eldar Tactica – Reaver Jetbikes

Reaver Jetbikes in the new Dark Eldar codex. The next tactical and strategy video on their use and role within the army. Divided into two parts its designed for both newcomers and veterans alike!

The Travelling Wargamer : Calgary : The Last Chapter Back Home

And after a long trip finally back at home. Time to get back on schedule with the videos and the tacticas and the podcasts! The next Dark Eldar Tactica video will be released tonight onto the youtube channel! All about the Reaver Jetbikes and what not.  I tested some...
Travelling Wargamer : Calgary! : Part 3 The End Stretch

Travelling Wargamer : Calgary! : Part 3 The End Stretch

Travelling Wargamer! This is the place that I chat to you from away… the times I get to visit other areas, countries, gaming crews…  I am in Calgary. I have been here for almost two weeks now, away from family, friends, gaming, and making youtube videos. All for work...

Time to do a Blog Swap! – You show me yours, ill show you mine.

Time for me to add some links to my blog roll! Leave me a comment on this thread, or send me an email ( with your link if you would like to be added. I would appreciate the same! You can get more constant updates and join the SkaredCast community...