The Traveling Wargamer- Episode Calgary! Musings and more.

Got onto a plane. Travelled far. Now I am here. In Calgary! Time for anther Episode in the Travelling wargamer series… there is an issue tho… I have no army or anything. Well.. that was quick!  Just wanted everyone to know that I am in Calgary for work, training on a...

The Traveling Wargamer- Episode Calgary! Musings and more.

Got onto a plane. Travelled far. Now I am here. In Calgary! Time for anther Episode in the Travelling wargamer series… there is an issue tho… I have no army or anything. Well.. that was quick!  Just wanted everyone to know that I am in Calgary for work, training on a...

NEW Dark Eldar Tactica – Wracks

This is the 12th Video In the Tactical video series on the NEW Dark Eldar Codex and Units. This time we discuss the Mighty Wracks… or are they?