by skared | Oct 21, 2014
The Next Video in the Dark Eldar Tactica series. Grotesques! Horrible gribblies that rend flesh and tank the foe.
by skared | Oct 20, 2014
Got onto a plane. Travelled far. Now I am here. In Calgary! Time for anther Episode in the Travelling wargamer series… there is an issue tho… I have no army or anything. Well.. that was quick! Just wanted everyone to know that I am in Calgary for work, training on a...
by skared | Oct 20, 2014
Got onto a plane. Travelled far. Now I am here. In Calgary! Time for anther Episode in the Travelling wargamer series… there is an issue tho… I have no army or anything. Well.. that was quick! Just wanted everyone to know that I am in Calgary for work, training on a...
by skared | Oct 20, 2014
This is the 12th Video In the Tactical video series on the NEW Dark Eldar Codex and Units. This time we discuss the Mighty Wracks… or are they?
by skared | Oct 19, 2014
Another battle report with the New Dark Eldar also using the New Coven detachment as well! Lets get this bloodbath started.