by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 23, 2012
Here's a picture from the yet-to-be-released White Dwarf in case you happen to be living under a rock/in a cave/under the sea/in China:Blitza-Bommer; Dakkajet; Burna-BommerThe rumor for the Ork flyers, as well as the new Space Marine flyer and the Necron Scythe...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 21, 2012
With some delay, time to tell the saga of our 4th game from the Team Tournament, in which Vince's Blood Angels joined forces with my Thunderwolves once again to wreak havoc upon the unfortunate ones.After game 3 ended, we were definitely feeling much better. I guess...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 15, 2012
Battle Reports make you STRONG! Still recuperating from finals and about to begin the work week, so while you guys are waiting for the 4th and final game from my Adepticon 2012 Team Tournament coverage, why don't you take a look at my brand spankin' new Battle Reports...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 11, 2012
.. in which Skarvald the Troll-faced and his Thunderwolf Retinue reap a great tally and once again bask in the glory that is victory, even if taken from the dying hands of fellow Space Wolves.Whoa, holy foreshadowing, Batman! As stated in my last battle report...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 7, 2012
Extra! Extra! Due to popular demand Brian was kind enough to let me know that he has in his possession a bunch of extra Special Operaitons: KILLZONE tokens and cards, as reviewed here a few weeks ago. They are quite literally hot off the press and are on a first-come,...