Perfect Storm: Part IV Deeper Dive Into Tau Strategy

In part II we took a preliminary look at the Tau codex and began assessing strengths and weaknesses and arrived at a few lessons to keep in mind for army construction. Now we need to look at how the units within the Tau codex address those strengths and weaknesses...

The Perfect Storm: Part III Choosing a color scheme

Unlike many of the other races in the 40k universe Tau do not have a fixed armor color scheme by sept. Instead each sept has different colored markings which you can see on the below picture of GW's painted Tau firewarriors -These firewarriors are from the Tau sept...

The Perfect Storm: Part I Acquiring My New Tau Army

Sometimes everything just comes together... Whenever a new codex is released I always promise myself I will resist the urge to buy new models and instead wait until I have read and digested the codex (and any subsequent FAQs). Somehow this always falls by the wayside...