New GW Campaign: Conquest of Kaiserslautern VI

New GW Campaign: Conquest of Kaiserslautern VI

Well, as I predicted, it seems Games Workshop is reaching back out to us with a new Campaign. Centered around the Dark Vengeance set, it's a low points event for some fairly casual play. However, it's still in beta.The Gamer's Haven, in Spokane, Washington has...
Space Wolf Game Revealed

Space Wolf Game Revealed

The little blurbs we heard about this game months ago have finally turned into something altogether more tangible. Today we have an announcement trailer for the game that shows off something reminicient of Chaos Gate and XCom. I can't wait to see more!Son of Dorn
KickStarter: Mega Mat

KickStarter: Mega Mat

One of the prototype Mega Mats in action.The gentlemen over at Frontline Gaming and TABLEWAR have just kicked off a fantastic new KickStarter. They've unveiled a new product called Mega Mat. These are mats made of mouse pad material that have...
Farseer Report: Spring 2014

Farseer Report: Spring 2014

The end is nigh, for Armageddon approaches! But first, let's play some catch-up and see how my last predictions landed.For those unfamiliar, I've made it a small theme of my writings to occasionally predict the near future of the hobby based on its current ebb and...
The Big Game III Spokane: A Big Writeup

The Big Game III Spokane: A Big Writeup

Well, a couple months on and the dust has long since settled. The Big Game III was a major success and everyone involved had a blast. Being relatively new to Apocalypse despite a 5 year tenure in 40k, I made the decision to get some help running the game. Now, to say...