Flash-Gitz Animation

Flash-Gitz Animation

Hey everyone. I thought I'd take some time to give Flashgitz some due coverage. If you haven't heard of these guys yet, you should definitely check them out. They have a hilarious weekly comic as well as some awesome cartoons on YouTube. However, none...
New Tactical Box: New Custom Combi-Weapon

New Tactical Box: New Custom Combi-Weapon

Having a closer look at the new Tactical Marines box, there's a new surprise for us. It features a new customizable Combi-Weapon. There's half a bolter, along with each piece to make it into any Combi-Weapon. With some clever use of magnets, you could have any gun...
Games Workshop’s Site Crashes

Games Workshop’s Site Crashes

Well, it didn't take much to take down Games Workshop's website.  With pre-orders up, the mad scramble to get those limited edition codexes has crashed Games Workshop's site. Stick it through though. Keep refreshing and you'll get through eventually!Son of Dorn

New Video Game: Space Hulk Deathwing

A Promo Poster for SH:DWIt seems there's yet another 40k video game in the works. Displayed here is the promotional poster for Space Hulk: Deathwing. It's being developed by a French studio called Streumon Studio. They've already garnered some attention for their game...

40K Mini-Rulebook Released

The previously announced 40K mini-rule book is finally here and up on the Games Workshop New Releases page.Here's what Games Workshop has to say about it:"The Warhammer 40,000: The Rules has been specifically designed to be the gamers ideal companion. Don't...