New Tactical Marines: Pictures! – UPDATED

Lo and behold the new Tactical Marines. First spotted by us on Deep Strike Radio's Facebook page, we're finally getting a look at the updated kit. Notice that every marine has a unique leg pose. It also seems that the bolter poses are slightly more dynamic as well....

New Space Marine Details: Courtesy of 40K Radio

Courtesy of our friends at 40K Radio come some fresh details on the contents of the new Space Marine codex. Check them out. Notes on the Space Marine Codex: 1. Centurion "devastator" come with Twin-Linked Heavy bolter and hurricane bolter for 60 pts. You can...

Space Hulk: Pre-order Details Announced

Photos courtesy of Steampowered.comThe Space Hulk video game is now up for pre order. It'll be out on PC/Mac on August 15th and later this year on the iPad.via GW: "If fighting in claustrophobic corridors against a terrifying alien menace is your cup of tea then today...

Inflatable Space Marine Mascot?

Courtesy of 4chan's /tg/ board, comes Landmark Creations' Slash Gordon.  At over 25', this inflattable Space Marine knock-off is meant to help sell mobile homes!Photos of this big guy cropped up the other night, and it's a wonder GW hasn't made a move yet. Check...