Space Hulk PC Game Demo Footage at GDC

Space Hulk is here!I had heard tell last November of a new PC game within the 40k Universe due to spring up quite soon. Here it is! Space Hulk, or rather a demo of Space Hulk has just shown up at the Game Developers Conference this week. It's still a short ways out,...

The Great FAQ Challenge – Accepted?

Well, it's taken me longer to address than I initially intended, but I think The Great FAQ Challenge was a success. Upon collecting every one's questions and collating them, I came the the realization that nearly all of them were addressed in GW's most...

Video Battle Report! – Eldar vs Imperial Fists

A Battle Report from Apocalypse 40K's own Son of Dorn!Hey everyone! Son of Dorn here with a video battle report made by my friend and me. We're working on building up our own YouTube channel with battle reports, works in progress, and reviews on the campaign we'll be...

FAQ Imminent?

This surfaced in an update made available yesterday. With a clarification to the transport rule in the digital version of Codex Necrons, it seems a new FAQ could be on the way. We can now see that units embarked in a Night Scythe that is destroyed now take no damage....

Dark Angels – Codex Pictures!

Photos courtesy of /tg/'s "Not Cypher"This is definitely not a Ward-dex. A lot of interesting options and changes. Here are a few selections:Auspex: forgo shooting with model to reduce cover of unit with 12 by 1. Porta-rack: beat an enemy character, gain fear...