League game: Sons of Taurus vs. Dark Angels – Overwatch!

I played a league game with my Sons of Taurus Chaos Marines against Peter's Dark Angels, Relic/Vanguard Strike, 1500pts.  Peter brought Lion's Blade Task Force with full battle company for free pods and razorbacks and a Ravenwing Strike Force.  A bunch of 5-man...

Campaign Rough Draft: The Shards of Anaris

Here's the rough draft for our next campaign, "The Shards of Anaris".  Things may change for the final draft depending on feedback.   Basic concept is to be able to be inclusive, with anyone playing anything and some being erratic attendees, while still being able to...

Wolves and Marines and Dark Eldar oh my

For my friend Nathan who recently passed away, I'm ebaying his miniatures to raise some money for his family.  Space Wolves, including some old figures like the Rogue Trader bikers above, other Space Marines, and lots of 3rd ed Dark Eldar.  If you might be interested,...