by sonsoftaurus | Mar 20, 2016
Got in a 1000pt league battle with Scott's Death Korps of Krieg, on his new mat from We rolled up Big Guns Never Tire, which seemed appropriate for Krieg and the fact that I'm using a counts-as Huron Blackheart ("Minos the Malign"). ("Though my guards may...
by sonsoftaurus | Mar 13, 2016
Played a 1000pt game with Cayla's Ulthwe' Eldar as part of our league, rolling up Relic. Not wanting to immediately get assaulted by the Wraithknight, I chose to let the Eldar go first, which with Jetbikes and the Relic is generally not a good idea. Eldar fire blew...
by sonsoftaurus | Mar 11, 2016
My technical incompetence in getting pictures over to my newer computer and photobucket kicked in heavily this time, so it has taken me a while to get this report up. As part of our escalation league my Sons of Taurus squared off against Leonard's Imperial Fists. My...
by sonsoftaurus | Jan 17, 2016
Finished up the Sons of Taurus cultists and based the walkers. Went with browns/reds. One, I think it looks nice, two, think it goes well with the copper of the SoT armor, and similar to the Scythiak in case I want to combine them someday as IA13 Renegades or...
by sonsoftaurus | Jan 15, 2016
We've started up an escalation league to encourage new armies/new units. I'm bringing the Sons of Taurus as that was what I was working on anyways, and it will help motivate me to keep plugging away on them. We have a number of people nominally signed up, but have...