League Battle Report: Sons of Taurus vs. Eldar 1000pts

Played a 1000pt game with Cayla's Ulthwe' Eldar as part of our league, rolling up Relic.  Not wanting to immediately get assaulted by the Wraithknight, I chose to let the Eldar go first, which with Jetbikes and the Relic is generally not a good idea. Eldar fire blew...

Sons of Taurus: Cultists and Walkers

Finished up the Sons of Taurus cultists and based the walkers. Went with browns/reds.  One, I think it looks nice, two, think it goes well with the copper of the SoT armor, and similar to the Scythiak in case I want to combine them someday as IA13 Renegades or...

Escalation League: 500pt snapshots

We've started up an escalation league to encourage new armies/new units.  I'm bringing the Sons of Taurus as that was what I was working on anyways, and it will help motivate me to keep plugging away on them.  We have a number of people nominally signed up, but have...