by sonsoftaurus | Jun 21, 2015
Got the painting for the maulerfiend pretty far along. And with his dreadnought buddies: I also picked these up to turn into something else, long-time readers can probably guess. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16305859-1']);...
by sonsoftaurus | Jun 16, 2015
Another local store is looking at carrying 40K/having games played there, so I knocked out some donation terrain in between working on Sons of Taurus models, namely the Maulerfiend and Vindicator. From the "decrepit industrial LOS blocker" series. Some food/toy...
by sonsoftaurus | May 31, 2015
Scythiak deployment This afternoon I got a game in with sonofsonsoftaurus. He wanted to do a game with the high tech guys against the not so high tech guys, with both guys and tanks. So we have an approximately 1000pt game with him running the Silver Skulls against...
by sonsoftaurus | May 27, 2015
Here's the Sons of Taurus' resident mechanical bull, a maulerfiend with horns courtesy of the ork battlewagon and tentatongue removed. May need some dental work. Straightforward build aside from the horns and tongue removal. I went with the magma cutters over the...
by sonsoftaurus | May 24, 2015
I made progress on the Dreadnoughts/Helbrutes for the Sons of Taurus, feeling more like a little painting as opposed to assembling mass infantry. I'll probably use the same red flesh for the minotaur spawn. Test CSM. Aspiring Champion. I bought a bunch of 32mm...