Rise of the Primarch

I finished up the Guilliman model for sonofsonsoftaurus according to his specifications.  I will paint up the bare head later, but thankfully he has come around to liking the helmet.  I took a few cues from how he has been doing the ultras that he has been painting...

Fourth War for Armageddon: Planetfall

We had our next mission for our Armageddon campaign, a modified Planetfall mission (power level 75).  Chaos and Ork forces rain down from orbit upon the beleaguered Imperial defenders.  Above, some of sonsofsonsoftaurus' Ultramarines take up positions. My early...

Fourth War for Armageddon – Escape!

After the initial surprises and setbacks from attacks against better prepared than expected orks and surprise assaults from traitor forces, the Imperial forces fall back towards Hive Acheron to regroup.  Unfortunately their foes have cut off most avenues of retreat,...

Fourth War for Armageddon, Day One

We started up our Fourth War for Armageddon campaign, with small (Power Level 25) games.  We played a modified Patrol mission, with the Imperial forces rolling out in clearing operations against resurgent Ork concentrations.  Along the way, many are ambushed by Chaos...

8th ed test games picture dump

Over the past few weeks, like many around the world, our shop has been shaken by a plethora of 40k 8th edition games as people try things out. Above vs. Bjorn as part of an epic rampage by the primarch in a three way game, smashing through a number of Space Wolves and...