by sonsoftaurus | Apr 10, 2017
As man took to the stars in the distant past, he took many creatures from Earth with him, some intentionally, some less so. As in the age of sail, wherever Man went, Rat went as well. Over tens of thousands of years some changed. Exactly what the catalyst was is...
by sonsoftaurus | Mar 24, 2017
My (ir)regular RPG group has played a lot of superhero games in our day, and over time I've bought a bunch of Heroclix figures to use in those games. Depending on what they have available, I've placed orders with two main places, Troll and Toad and Popular...
by sonsoftaurus | Mar 5, 2017
I've started a Pathfinder campaign set in Conan's Hyboria, but a hundred years or so after King Conan disappeared. For the deadly, generally low magic Hyboria I would generally prefer to use a system like HERO or GURPS, but I decided to use Pathfinder for ease of...
by sonsoftaurus | Jan 24, 2017
I had missed the official start of the campaign due to snow and then being out of town the following week, so this was the first mission I've been able to play. It was 1250pts, my Iron Warriors vs. Josh M's Grey Knights. The mission is called "Survivors", where the...
by sonsoftaurus | Dec 31, 2016
The Iron Warriors are pretty far along. I still need to: arrange to pick up parts to finish some things - mk III missile launcher squad, techmarine servo harnesses, and jump packs for the assault marines When cleaning and organizing, I apparently lost the drill bit...