by sonsoftaurus | Nov 23, 2016
Scott and I both had the day off and decided to use part of it with the next section of the Siege of Vraks campaign. The first mission was such a blow out for Krieg that we decided to skip the second mission (which is basically a continuation of the first one) and...
by sonsoftaurus | Nov 19, 2016
I did work on the GW scenic bases I'm going to use for the Iron Warriors, and am pretty happy with how they're turning out. I didn't have quite enough 40mm and no 60mm, so I made one of each to throw in and use for my captain and the contemptor. The figures I have at...
by sonsoftaurus | Nov 18, 2016
More things continue to pour forth from Games Workshop these days, things that not too long ago we thought we'd never see. "The crazy old days are in the distant past" we said. "GW is just in a rut of re-releasing the same things over and over" we said. Then we...
by sonsoftaurus | Nov 13, 2016
We're starting up a Kill Team campaign over the holidays, using GW's Into No Man's Land set (see your local store or online such as HERE for details. Today we clarified if we were going to do any modifications (set leader and specialist skills for the duration) and...
by sonsoftaurus | Nov 6, 2016
Most of the assembly is done for the Iron Warriors. 25 tacticals, 5 assault, 5 sternguard, 15 devastators, 11 terminators, two thunderfire cannons, dreadnought. Still waiting on parts to do a Mk III missile launcher dev squad. Most backpacks left off until after...