by South Mississippi Gamers | Aug 2, 2014
Johnny of South Alabama War Gamers vs. South Mississippi Gamers Anthony Ryan (Uktena).Tau vs. Nurgle Chaos Space MarinesSpecial thanks to Johnny for doing the clubs new video battle report graphics.South Mississippi Gamers YouTube SMG Wargaming VideosPlease...
by South Mississippi Gamers | Aug 1, 2014
BRAWL IN THE FALLPresented bySOUTH MISSISSIPPI GAMERSAND MACNARB GAMINGJudges and TO's for this event are Anthony Hinkel and Carl Short of the SMG Wargaming Staff.Big prize support for this event from our Sponsors - maCnarB Gaming.1850 points4 rounds9am-9:30am...
by South Mississippi Gamers | Jul 28, 2014
Steve Sisk is the BAO 2014 40k Champion He took White Scars Bikers with a Knight AllyHere is a run down of Steve Sisk’s list.Kor’sarro Khan [125]+ Moondrakkan [25]= 150• Command Squad [100]+ Company Standard [15]+ 3× storm shield [30]+ power fist [25]+...
by South Mississippi Gamers | Jul 26, 2014
There wasn't an Ork Community, on Facebook. so i went ahead and made one to connect with these people. Yall spread the word and help it grow everyone. thanksOrk 40k Community WAAAAGH!!!!! Facebook LinkHere is a place were we can talk about ork fluff, tactics, list,...
by South Mississippi Gamers | Jul 19, 2014
The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault Teaser TrailerCheck out the new trailer for The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault. Choose a side in the intense civil war that erupted amongst the Emperor's Legions of Space Marines in the 30th millennium. Take on territorial conquests and...