Basing Tutorial – Temperate Grasslands / Forest

It's been a while since my last basing tutorial, and my basing has come a long way since then. This is the method I use for all my grassland bases - from the Lord Of The Rings figures seen here, to my 6mm Napoleonics and 40k Eldar.For this style of basing you will...

42nd Highland Regiment (Black Watch), 1815

The second battalion for my 6mm army, this time it's the turn of the 42 Highland. I'm slowly working my way through Mj. Gen. Denis Pack's brigade, then the rest of Picton's 5th Division.These are more Baccus 6mm figures, based in the same manner as the previous...

Faramir’s Rangers

Having re watched all of the Lord Of The Rings films, plus appendices as a backdrop to revision I, naturally, pointed my brush in the direction of these Rangers, led by the redoubtable Faramir.My plan for these figures is to build up a small Gondorian force, enough to...

Eldar Guardian Squad

Switching projects again (briefly), I (re)painted the first half of this squad last year, so over the last week I finished the other five figures to round out the squad.GW Eldar Guardians for my Craftworld Ulthwe army, AKA the only playable army I have for...

2/44th Regiment of Foot, 1815

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to yet another project.This is the start of a 6mm army, based around Sir Thomas Picton's 5th Division during the Hundred Day's campaign of 1815 - usable at both Quatre Bras & Waterloo.I'm using Baccus' 6mm Napoleonic range, which...