
It's certainly not Mirkwood, but it's a start. 20 - count them - trees, painted and based.Exam season is starting to make itself felt, and to compound the problem I've had several pieces of coursework to finish before revision begins in earnest.Painting and basing...

Steampunk Guitar

Finally, here are the pictures of the finished guitar. WIP and tutorial still to come on the other blog, but for now I'll keep this gallery post on here.

A different kind of freehand

This is the source of all my silence. It's not strictly freehand, since I worked from a toner image - similar to working from a tracing.Silver and black paint on a plastic scratchplate.More images and explanation to follow on my other blog, link when the post's up.


Despite my love for Peter Jackson's adaptations of The Lord Of The Rings, his elves never quite hit the spot for me. Reading the Silmarillion growing up, I always pictured them in shades of grey and sea blue, with bright silver armour - a definite contrast to the gold...


A while ago, I received a set of GW Lord of the Rings figures from my brother, which he no longer wanted. The majority of these were Gondor figures, with a few Rohan & Elves scattered around, and in varying condition.Since then, much of my hobby time has been...