Angel of Death

The third of my Scythes of the Emperor marines, the squad sergeant. Armed with a power sword and bolter,  he will lead his fellow marines against the enemies of the emperor.This model is a return to my more normal painting style, to fit in with the other figures...


Murderer. Heretic. Outcast. Cultist. Beserkr. I came to the conclusion, after finishing my last set of cultists, that there was something missing. They were too clean, too neat, and not nearly chaotic enough. As figures, they were nice, and the painting was fine,...


These figures are the first four members of my chaos cult for Inquisitor/Inquisimunda.They're all made from the WFB Empire Flagellants box, with a smattering of 40k parts to bring them into the 41st millenium, and a few conversions.A grubby colour scheme of brick red,...

Purity Seals

Adding some atmosphere to my work desk  these purity seals were made from watercolour paper and the plastic seals that come with a certain brand of French cheese.A quick flip through the 5th edition rulebook provided a handful of relevant quotes,...

Report: Chaos Cults on Gottingen IV

+++BEGINNING TRANSMISSION+++Recipient ID  [ REDACTED ]Subject  [ REDACTED ]Classification  [ Level 5 ]+MESSAGE BEGINS+The Forge World of Gottingen IV is believed to host several cults dedicated to the powers of chaos. They appear to be concentrated...