Servo Skull

This is the first member of my inquisitor's warband, servo skull E-271.  In fact, it's the first member of another character's warband, but more on that later... Made from a plastic skull from my bits box, and a bunch of guitar strings - playing guitar has...

Something Stirs.

+++BEGINNING TRANSMISSION+++Recipient ID  [ REDACTED ]Subject  [ REDACTED ]Classification  [ Level 6 ]+MESSAGE BEGINS+The web tightens. All agents are now in place. Send in the boy. Report to me when this task has been completed. Cantor...


Finished at last, holidays can suck time away from painting nearly as well as exams.I think everything important has already been said really, so this post will be text light and image heavy.As an aside, the phone is supposed to look like the Twitter interface, hence...

Taking shape

At last, the sculpting is done. This took me a considerable amount of time - somewhere in the order of three months, mainly due to an enforced break in June for exams.The figure is based of a 1/35 German Ardennes infantryman - all the yellow parts...

The stage is set

...but where are the actors?This was painted mainly with acrylics, and some pigments for dusting and weathering.And yes, please ignore the plinth. I'd painted it a nice gloss black, but the varnish somehow congealed on it and so I've had to sand it off and start...