Elven Statue

In an effort to get myself back into the swing of things after a long break (three months? really?) I decided to finish up this small terrain piece that I started a while back.The main ingredients in this model are a small wooden cube, a plastic Wood Elf from GW's...

Humber MkII

It's a Revell 1/7 kit - and it's really good. The kit is beautifully cast and designed,  all the detail is crisp and there is almost no flash, and very few mouldlines.Painting this kit, I tried to try out a few new techniques, such as panel fading and pinwashing....

20mm BAOR

Well it's been a month since my last post, but I do have something to show for it, beside my exams.These are more of the Britannia Miniatures 1980s British Infantry that I started last year: Link.The base markings denote company: The HQ coy have plain bases, the...

Haldir’s Elf

Still trying to improve my painting, although I wouldn't rate this as one of my better models. The paint is much too thick in places, and much of it is sloppily done. With this figure I was working on my metallics - specifically gold, and my reds. As far as colours go...

I like that boulder…

...That is a nice boulder.Several pieces of pine bark from the local forest, a hardboard base, and some paint. A close up of the stone texture. I've moved on somewhat from the spray black - drybrush grey method of painting rocks. My new method goes something like...