Inquisitorial Acolyte

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Unlike the last set of figures, I know exactly what this figure will be used for.  In fact, it's already in use in a Dark Heresy campaign that I'm running.He's representing an Inquisitorial acolyte - an Inquisitor in training. Since Dark Heresy doesn't support...
Bogart & Co, Private Investigators

Bogart & Co, Private Investigators

'It's a mystery to me/the game commences/for the usual fee/plus expenses' - Dire Straits, Private InvestigationsThis set of figures was another of those impulse buys that are difficult to justify, but seem to happen all to frequently despite it.In this case, the...
A Horde of Orcs

A Horde of Orcs

Continuing my recent Lord of the Rings theme, next to hit the painting table was an eight strong unit of Mordor Orcs.These are fairly old plastic models, and it shows a little - sculpted by the Perry brothers, they're smaller and less cartoony than some of the more...
Five of the Nine

Five of the Nine

Continuing the Lord of the Rings theme, here are the first five Nazgul in their original guise from The Fellowship of the Ring.Just a simple paint job - all over black, highlighted with grey then washed with various blues and greens - all of which were washed out by...


Working my way through my backlog of figures, I came across this Gandalf miniature, and was struck by how much it reminded me of some of the early artwork by John Howe.Image (c) John Howe   I decided to stay away from the all-grey Gandalf depicted in the...