Dwarf Samurai

Dwarf Samurai

This one is an ancient Citadel figure, dating back to some time in the mid 1980s. He'll probably be used as a fighter or paladin if my gaming group ever gets round to playing a D&D campaign.Despite being older than I am, the sculpt is pretty good and has a...


The second of my WW1 biplanes is a SPAD XII, flying for the Allies - in this case 23 Squadron RAF. Like the Fokker Dr.1 from last week, this too is a Revell plastic kit. This one was comparatively simple and robust, and helpfully included a pilot...
The Red Baron

The Red Baron

It's been a while, but I finally have access to a camera again, so expect a spate of posts as I work through the backlog of painted miniatures that has accumulated in the past six months. First up, Baron Manfred Von Richtofen's infamous bright red Fokker Dr.1.This is...
Blood Bowl Pitch

Blood Bowl Pitch

I recently finished this Blood Bowl pitch for the league I will soon be running, wittily referred to as Hide Park...Basic construction was very simple - a 120 x 60 cm plywood board (4' x 2' to our American friends), with a few felt pads on the underneath to...
The Wilson Blood Bowl League

The Wilson Blood Bowl League

Image (C) Games Workshop, etcThis year, as well as hopefully GM'ing a Dark Heresy campaign, I am running a Blood Bowl league. I've rounded up seven victims friends and we will start playing games in the next week or so. I've made a new blog to track games, scores...