Reflections on Michigan GT

Reflections on Michigan GT

I have been reflecting on the Michigan GT. I have basically taken a week off from 40k after the tournament to think about the new direction I want to take my list and recover from the cold I picked up over that weekend. I'm back up to 99% healthy. I have been thinking...
Michigan GT Countdown: Game On

Michigan GT Countdown: Game On

With shower complete and coffee in hand, it is nearly time to head out. Here's the list I'm taking today:1842 pts --- Mechanized EldarSpirit Seer (Warlord)6x Rangers5x Wraithguard with Wraithcannons-In Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Holofields5x...
Michigan GT Countdown: Tournament Eve

Michigan GT Countdown: Tournament Eve

Tomorrow's the big day! I'm stoked for this as the Michigan GT will be the largest 40k event I've ever attended.For objective markers, it seem Fate anticipated my laziness. While I was moving some models around in my hobby room, I found three Guardian weapons...
Michigan GT Countdown: 2 Days to Target

Michigan GT Countdown: 2 Days to Target

Last Wave Serpent is complete? Check. Now that that is out of the way, just objective markers remain. And maybe a few touch ups on some pewter models.Maybe.Also, I had some buttons made up for my army to use as tokens to keep track of effects. Including the one shown...
Michigan GT Countdown: 3 Days to Target

Michigan GT Countdown: 3 Days to Target

I finally "let go" and decided to just go with the list I have been honing for weeks now and so I know I won't have any more model issues to deal with due to last minute switch outs. No reason to make a last minute change and then regret it over the weekend.I will...