by Spellduckwrong | Sep 10, 2013
Well, this isn't technically about 40k, but it is about a flyer that is about a 40k event. SeerK needs a promotional piece for the Craftworld Open tourney at UCON this year and I'm helping him get that ball rolling. I figure I'll put the revised version up on here and...
by Spellduckwrong | Sep 9, 2013
Well, as the last post described, there was a local GT Primer I attended over the weekend. I ended up taking second after the dust settled on Round 3. My last game against Grey Knights was awesome. I couldn't even tell you when I had a closer game. The balance of...
by Spellduckwrong | Sep 6, 2013
Tomorrow, I attend a GT Primer tournament as part of the lead up to the Michigan GT at the end of this month. I have been poking and prodding my list, making changes when I start seeing trends, and trying to get in as many games with it against as many people/lists as...
by Spellduckwrong | Sep 5, 2013
One of the online dictionary definitions for critical mass are as follows: "an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result."I've been thinking quite a bit about army lists. Much of it probably has to do with the amount of...
by Spellduckwrong | Sep 4, 2013
I was hunting around for Eldar conversions and I stumbled unto a part of the BOLS lounge here.There is some truly amazing stuff tucked away in the ten pages there. I love the style of this army, and the Autumnal color scheme is nearly unheard of in 40k, so it is...