
Ah, the hilarity of Ti'Fani so consumed me that I decided to post up a psyker card for her. I have another post inbound for these cards, but this will work for now.

Path of the Autarch: Decision

Spellduckwrong here. Something that I have actively noticed in several games now, both ones I have played in and those I have observed is that sometimes a player will lose a unit because they didn't force the opponent to make a decision. It sounds almost...

Path of the Autarch: Mobility [Part 5] Endgame

We have reached the last installment in this series. If you've been reading them all up to now, thank you. In case you're behind or maybe this is the first one you've seen, I have included links to the previous articles. Sorry it has been so long, but moving, work and...

Path of the Autarch: Mobility [Part 4]

It has been a few weeks since the last installment of this series. End of the school semester usually means most of my time is spoken for, but finals are over and I'm looking forward to getting my hobby on. With that in mind, I will move into the fourth segment of...

Path of the Autarch: Mobility [Part 3]

The Surgical StrikeUsed without permission. All rights belong to the artist.Welcome back to the third installment of this series on mobile armies. To recap, we've discussed a few rules that help mobile armies out and the general thought process behind setting your...