When Spam Attacks! Fritz40k, Faeit212, and BoLS??

Looks like some of the heavyweight 40k blogs may be under siege by spam attacks. Fritz40k reported being drowned in Chinese spam posts, but seems to be holding down the fort.Faeit 212 and BoLs are currently down. Probably others too that I haven't noticed yet. These...

Duct Tape Tactics: Improvised Grenades

Sometimes in a game, you find yourself wanting or needing to pull a maneuver off that you might not have the right assets on the field to do properly. Be it a restriction on what your Codex offers, what units you have in the area, maybe your list didn't have the right...

Craftworld Lansing 2013-04-23 20:48:00

Path of the Autarch: Mobility [Part Two]Weathering the Storm of Fire Last time, we discussed a brief synopsis of the new beneficial rules of 6th Ed. for mobile armies. Now, how do we leverage these against the enemy? Over the course of discussion, I may mention...

Craftworld Lansing 2013-04-17 21:21:00

Path of the Autarch: Mobility [Part One]Image used without permission. All rights belong to the artist.In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium, there is only war. Accepting that there is no respite from this, how do you want to fight that war? This is a...

Craftworld Lansing 2013-04-17 20:45:00

A New Member of the Council Has Arrived... Used without permission. All rights belong to original artist. Hello All, SeerK had asked me to guest write on this blog from time to time and I accepted the invitation. So, I guess I should start with a small amount of...