by St Andrews Wargaming | Oct 18, 2018
Better Know a Blogger is back, and kicking it off this week is Iapedus Maximus from Languor Management. Languor Management has a strong focus on Iapedus' T'au army, with frequent painting posts, and tournament reviews to sink your teeth into. You can...
by St Andrews Wargaming | Oct 17, 2018
I have a couple of tournaments coming up in the next month, as well as a few planned for next year. This weekend, I began putting together a potential list to try and for the upcoming events. ]Most recently, I have been using the Dark Angels and Deathwatch as separate...
by St Andrews Wargaming | Oct 16, 2018
Today's warhammer 40k hobby update features some more units for my expanding Genestealer Cults army. I am currently working on adding another Neophyte Hybrids squad armed with Shotguns, a Magus and a Primus. I decided to paint the Magus and Primus in blue robes....
by St Andrews Wargaming | Oct 15, 2018
Today's Warhammer 40k hobby update features some more units for my Genestealer Cult army. This weekend, I was able to get more hobby work done on my Genestealer Cults army. I painted up another 16 Purestrain Genestealers to add to the 16 already in the army....
by St Andrews Wargaming | Oct 13, 2018
Today, I have another video battle report for you. My White Scars Space Marines take on Angus' Astra Militarum in a maelstrom of war mission. I had a few issues with my new camcorder, so the video quality is not great. This should be improved in future reports,...