Chaos Dreadhold: Overlord Bastion

Hello again!A local gaming store is holding a painting competition.You got to choose between some Games Workshop terrain pieces to take with you. Until a certain deadline you have to paint it and bring it back to them. An online vote will then decide over the winners....

First games of Kings of War

Hello folks,In the last couple weeks I painted lots and lots of Perry Miniatures and also had 3 games of Kings of War. The first two were against Undead and the third one against Dwarfs.The 1000p and 1500p matches against my friend's Undead were two defeats. The match...

Putting old models to new use

Hello folks,As I'm still waiting for my bulk order of Perry Miniatures to arrive (it's been a month now...) I painted up some models which I've been fond of ever since.I'm talking about the old metal Black Guard of Naggaroth models from Games Workshop's Dark Elven...

Last Clerical Heroes

Unfortunately, my order comprising 7 boxes of Perry Miniatures that I placed on 15th April hasn't been shipped yet. In the meantime, I painted the last two Heroes for my Brotherhood army - a Devoted on Foot and a Devoted/Exemplar Adjutant on Horse.It's really cruel...

Three modular forests

Hello reader!Yesterday evening just after watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones I finished yet some more terrain for my gaming board: three modular forests.The single trees can be taken off to make place for regiments and the like.On the back of the forest...