Something BIG

Just like I announced earlier, there's something big coming your way... or rather several big things. I punished myself with assembling and painting another Heldrake which I baptized with the pretty name Wormwood. And for the other big things, just scroll...

A Handful of Cultists

It's still early in the morning here but, nevertheless, I have a quick update for you before I'll be off for a weekend full of studying: a handful of Cultists. The pics didn't come out as well as I hoped, but you should be able to grasp the essentials. ;)Read you next...

For Law And Order

I'm planning on playing my Lost and Damned at the next 1,500 pts tournament. I'll be playing a totally new army list with a 30 men strong mob + Commissar, 2 Veteran Squads, 3(!) Leman Russes, 1 Hellhound, and my Basilisk. Thus, I found it necessary to build and paint...