Maiden of Virtue

Hello folks!Today I present to you the Maiden of Virtue for my Brotherhood army. The list entry for her is the Forsaken Beast which represents her quite fittingly I think.The model is from Reaper Miniatures. Great stuff they're producing and really to the liking of my...

Casualty Counters & Fences

Hello there,This week my parcel from arrived, containing some casualty counters.With these brilliant little things you can keep track of  how many wounds your units have suffered so far (or use them as turn counters etc.).For me they are...

Ork Mega Dread & Ork War Boss on Bike

Waaaagh!Yet again I finished some miniatures for my long time customer. This time I painted Forge World's Ork Mega Dread and War Boss on Bike.I really enjoyed working on these models as they have an incredible and stunning amount of details and are well sculpted.

Secular Command

Hello fellow hobby enthusiasts,The next three models for my Kings of War Brotherhood army got finished this afternoon.I'll be using them as various mounted Heroes. The one on the left will get a banner attached to his lance, hence I'm going to field him as my Exemplar...

Clerical Command for my Brotherhood

Hello,Today I had lots of fun painting some miniatures for my own use for diversion.I chose a priest on foot and one on a donkey to be the first miniatures getting painted for my Kings of War Brotherhood army.I'll be using them as a Devoted on "Horse" and a Devoted on...