First 10 Boyz finished

First 10 Boyz finished

Hi folks!Yesterday evening I could finish the first 10 Boyz of the new commission army:I hope they are to your liking.
A worthy temple for the Ruinous Powers

A worthy temple for the Ruinous Powers

Greetings, fellow worshippers of the true lords of the Universe and those poor souls who haven't realized yet..For the upcoming 200 pts. tournament on Saturday I painted the Chaos Temple I built many months ago. It will serve as my army's display base at the...
The next big commission army

The next big commission army

Hello you guys!The last two days I had some thoughts about a "dark" colour scheme for my customer's next commission army and after presenting three different ones to him I can now present -you- his choice:It is the same customer as for the Daemons I've been painting....
Chaos Reinforcements

Chaos Reinforcements

Hey guys!Yesterday, I painted four close combat Cultists of the Dark Vengeance box after I converted them slightly:As I've been playing the PC game Outlast recently, especially the Cultist with the scarred and bare upper body reminded me very much of one of the...
Tyranids Hierophant

Tyranids Hierophant

After many, many hours of work my latest commission work is finally finished: a Forge World Hierophant for the Tyranid Hive Fleet of an aquaintance of mine.The colour scheme was predefined by him. Ranged weapons arms are still to be added and magnetized by customer.